DSP Resources
Please contact DSP Relations at dsp.relations@themlc.com with questions related to Monthly Usage Reporting.
Please contact Finance at finance@themlc.com with questions related to Royalties or Assessment Payments.
Fact Sheets
Click here to find a collection of fact sheets explaining what a DSP should know to onboard with The MLC.
Key Dates
Blanket Licensees and Significant Non-Blanket Licensees are required by law to submit usage reporting and payments to The MLC on time. Click here to see deadlines.
Click here to find The MLC's collection of webinars designed to help DSPs onboard with The MLC.
Blanket Licensees and Significant Non-Blanket Licensees are required to make themselves formally known to The MLC. This is done by submitting a notice. Click here to get access to the notice webforms.
Specifications, Templates and Guidelines
The MLC asks that DSPs provide information utilizing specific templates and guidelines to ensure that our systems can ingest the information properly. If these templates and guidelines are not followed the DSP will be asked to resubmit the information in the correct format. Click here to learn more.