The MMA directed the head of the U.S. Copyright Office, the Register of Copyrights, to designate a nonprofit collective governed by a board of publishers and songwriters to administer the statute’s new blanket compulsory licensing system for digital music providers that became available on January 1, 2021. The Register designated The MLC as the collective on July 8, 2019.
To make its selection, the Copyright Office conducted an extensive public inquiry in which it solicited proposals from entities seeking to be designated as the MLC, as well as comments from interested members of the public. In response, the Copyright Office received over 600 comments from stakeholders throughout the music industry, including numerous copyright owners who provided endorsements for one or more of the entities seeking designation. Based on this record and the statutory selection criteria, the Register designated The MLC.
The Copyright Office followed a similar process to designate a digital licensee coordinator or “DLC.” The DLC is a nonprofit that, among other things, represents digital music providers’ (DMPs) interests in certain proceedings before the Copyright Office or Copyright Royalty Judges. A DLC representative is also a nonvoting member of The MLC’s board.